Somehow I believe Mr. Bush significantly demonstrated his comprehension of Christianity by welcoming the leader of the original Christian religion (as in the Prince of PEACE) with a 21-GUN SALUTE!!
Then, as if to put a cherry on this bloody sundae, the Supreme Court finds that we can move forward on executions.
What timing.
I'm grateful that Tom Shales nailed Gibson and Stephanopolous for their "shoddy, despicable performances."
Apparently, the two fail to grasp the principles that only two nights earlier were passionately defined by actor/director/writer Tim Robbins, the keynote speaker at the National Association of Broadcasters gathering in Las Vegas:
"Imagine a new broadcasting industry aesthetic, that respecting the better nature of the American people, produces shows that promote strength instead of fear. That does not divide, but inspires, that does not promote hate, but unity, that will not tear the weak down, but build up their strength. Imagine a world of broadcasting where the American people are encouraged to reject despair & distrust. And when they turn their TVs and radios off at night and go to sleep they possess strength, and unity and compassion for those they disagree with."
When the media fails us, the repercussions are horrific -- across the world. This election is too important for such behavior to be tolerated.
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