Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday - Where Is Your Heart?

As Christians across the world take this day to claim their devotion to Christ. . .

I merely wish to point out

that the Last Three of the newly defined Seven Social Sins

reported in the Vatican news

pertain to the Human Side of Economics:

* Contributing to widening divide between rich and poor
* Excessive wealth
* Creating poverty

That fits my understanding of Christ's beatitudes.

The Fourth one is:

* Polluting the environment

That fits in well with the original "Thou shalt not kill."

The first three sins -- "'unethical' violations such as birth control", "'morally dubious' experiments such as stem cell research", and "drug abuse" --

may not cause so strong a pull on any of us, whatever the direction. . .

. . .if the true responsibility of the other four was recognized and efforts were made to solve them.

And so it is.

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