I intend to KNOW MORE about Barack Obama. I am ready to be impressed, enthused and involved.
I am also ready to bang my pots and pans in the streets, and to write intelligent, fact-based articles and commentaries to help inform both voters and Barack.
I am also determined to make sure that our votes are counted, so that, for the first time since 1996, the United States is led by a properly elected President.
While I would love to have a woman president, I strongly feel that Hillary Clinton is not the woman for the job. She is very intelligent and capable, but her heightened authority and experience come from her proximity to her husband. Unfortunately, that also means that she has a legacy to protect -- a legacy which includes NAFTA and the use of depleted uranium weaponry in Kosovo/Bosnia. She cannot move us forward when she is in debt to her husband and his tragic mistakes.
I choose Barack Obama. Join me and together we can learn, express ourselves and hold him to his word, and celebrate the evolution of the best aspirations and deeds of our representative democracy.
And so it begins. . .
Dear New-Obama-Friends-Seeking-to-Inform-Obama
(In the Belief that Obama is Willing to Learn and Be Responsible)
I am not a scientist. But I am a reader -- and scientists have consistently reported, for years, that depleted uranium weaponry is leaving vaporized particles in the atmosphere that are causing multiple cancers and birth defects.
I'm providing two important reading selections.
The first is an article I posted in November that explains the weapons, the uranium, its effects, the efforts to keep the terrible truth away from us, and the report required by Congressman Jim McDermott's amendment to the 2006 Defense Spending Bill.
The second read is that long-awaited report, quietly released last week.
The truth is out.
Now what do we do?
I suggest we make sure Barack Obama is aware of this.
It will help if the public knows.
Barbara Bellows-TerraNova
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