Thursday, January 12, 2012

Newt Gingrich Attacks Romney with "King of Bain" Documentary

Thank you, Newt Gingrich. That's something I never thought I'd say, but I'm a Democrat, and I very much appreciate having such important informatio­n to share about the most-likel­y Republican nominee.

Meanwhile, what is the Republican party to do? Every candidate is an extraordin­ary disaster.

Santorum wants to make birth control illegal because he's so "pro-life" -- unless you count his neocon-lik­e militarism and push for war everywhere­.

Ron Paul's libertaria­nism includes a history of writings encouragin­g violence against blacks in American neighborho­ods. His current denials don't hold water when the record shows he has previously defended his newsletter­s.

Perry is another Texas fool pushed to the front by corporate powers mixed in with strange religious extremists­.

Huntsman is too nice to be anything but bland and pushed to the side.

And Newt is a heartless egotist, fiercely stomping around and throwing tantrums.

So they'll go with Romney, unenthusia­stically, for being. . . a leader, and try to figure out ways to defend him. Ha!  

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Update January 2012

Things I KNOW at this moment, as we enter this 2012 election year:

1.  I KNOW that the Citizens United Supreme Court decision must be stopped, whether it is by overturning or a Constitutional Amendment.  (See Senator Bernie Sanders site.)

2.  I KNOW that ALEC, the group exposed in 2011 that coordinates the writing of state laws to support business interests over the interests of citizens, must be further revealed constantly for its anti-democratic, anti-American work.

3.  I KNOW that natural gas fracking and its waste-water injecting are directly connected to the rise in earthquakes, especially in areas that have never had serious earthquakes, and that the industry is big and powerful and doesn't want us to realize this.

4.  I KNOW that the Republicans are attacking Barack Obama for the national debt, unemployment, overspending -- the whole economic problem in the U.S. -- and that is NOT HIS DOING.  He was not just stuck with an outrageous mess left by the Bush administration -- he (or whatever Democrat was sure to follow) was SET UP TO FAIL.  The policies of the Bush administration were designed to crash the government -- to destroy revenue, spend trillions on wars that were not included in the budget, defund and dismantle agencies that should have been protecting Americans, replace scientists with lobbyists.

5.  I KNOW that the actual failures of Barack Obama, the ones that have cost him the support of many who believed he would bring progressive change, are based on an election system that is funded by big money, which means ANYONE who gets elected is in debt to corporate interests.   See the movie The Candidate.

6.  I KNOW that electronic voting machines are not accurate and that we must return to paper ballots.

7.  I KNOW that increased protections against "voter fraud" are the result of Republican operatives looking for any way to decrease the number of Democrats voting.

8.  I KNOW that most of those who try to claim moral superiority and push anti-abortion policies repeatedly demonstrate that they are NOT "pro-life" after the children are born, by defunding programs that support the health and education of these children and their parents.

9.  I KNOW that the Neoconservatives who continue to create Republican policies are working with a philosophy that encourages lying to the public, creating ultimate enemies and dire conflicts, building a self-righteousness drenched in religion and patriotism -- all to distract and make money, to keep the masses manageable.

10.  I KNOW that the more we seek to know the truth, and to share it, the more we can create the communities, the country, the world we believe supports humanity.

That's what's on my mind, today.


P.S.  Sorry, but I'm not providing links.  Google away.

P.P.S.  I do recommend Brad Friedman, Greg Palast, Seymour Hersh, Mark Crispin Miller, and Bill Moyers, as sources of information, for starters.